Reach Out Learning Center

Reach Out Learning Center is a nonprofit organization serving children stricken with HIV. This 6,500 sf center is a comprehensive learning and care center consisting of classrooms, library, isolation/nurse area, offices, kitchen, reception, and an outdoor play are for 60 to 100 toddlers through school age children. This $2 million dollar facility has a highly sophisticated water filtration and HVAC systems.

Information For

Information for Clients Information for Trade Partners
The Associated General Contractors Las Vegas

p. (702) 399-3330   •   f. (702) 399-1930   •   2975 W Lake Mead Blvd.   •   North Las Vegas, NV 89032

Lic. # NV 23287B Unlimited   •   NV 57821AB Unlimited   •   AZ 292182   •   CA 654102   •   NM 395713 GB98

We Build - You Benefit

p. (702) 399-3330
f. (702) 399-1930

2975 W Lake Mead Blvd.
North Las Vegas, NV 89032

Lic. # NV 23287B Unlimited
NV 57821AB Unlimited
AZ 292182   •   CA 654102   •   NM 395713 GB98

We Build - You Benefit The Associated General Contractors Las Vegas